What can I buy with Bitcoin?

Unequivocally, Bitcoin is a digital currency with a lot of controversial issues. There are a lot of concerns about its legal status and people are unsure as to what they can buy with it, legally.
China, former number one hub of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, outlawed bitcoin trading completely.
Bitcoin’s decentralized system of operation has provided criminals with a safe haven for all sorts of illicit transactions.
Whenever bitcoin transaction is uttered, the first thing people think of are arms purchases, drugs, or money laundering.
However, that isn’t the case. There’s no limit to what you can purchase with bitcoin. Several top business merchants now accept bitcoin as payment and more will follow suit.
Below are a few, among many things you can buy with bitcoin:
Fly with Bitcoin
It might interest you to know that you can now buy airplane tickets to anywhere in the world with Bitcoin. AirBaltic became the first world airline to accept Bitcoin as payment for flight tickets. There are others, like the Japanese peach aviation Ltd, LOT polish airlines, cheapAir, Surf Air, and several others.
Book your next hotel destination
Your travelling expenditure can be done and dusted via bitcoin. Several travel booking agencies are now accepting bitcoin payments for hotel bookings. Most notably, Expedia, one of the world’s largest travels booking agencies started accepting bitcoin payment back in 2014. Gift.com lets you buy gift cards in Bitcoin for hotels. Coinfuel can let you purchase uber gift cards and lastly, coinmap can help you locate stores that accept bitcoin payments.
Buy games and apps
Tech giant Microsoft started accepting bitcoin payments back in 2014. You can deposit bitcoin into your Microsoft account. These funds can be use to purchase apps, games, movies, and softwares. However, owing to bitcoin’s recent fluctuation, Microsoft halted bitcoin’s acceptance but earlier this month, it has been restored.
Buy electronic gadgets
Are you a gadgeteer? It might interest you to know that you can buy all kinds of electronics with Bitcoin. There are several outlets that offer such a service. You can buy your gadgets from worldwide known e-commerce platform Shopify and make your payment with Bitcoin. You can also purchase electronics with Bitcoin from electronic retail giant Newegg. Shopping from Shopify with Bitcoin is not limited to electronics alone.
Buy pizza
When I said there’s no limit to what you can buy with Bitcoin, I meant it. Pizzaforcoin has made it possible for you to buy pizza and make your payment in Bitcoin. Provided you are in close proximity to any of their outlets, you can order it without breaking a sweat.
Pay for services
There are a lot of services you can enjoy with Bitcoin. Dish network corp allow customers to pay cable bills in Bitcoin. Hauling company Roadway is now accepting Bitcoin payment. Alternatively, you can buy gift cards using bitcoin, the cards can be used to make purchases from several retail stores.
Now that you know what you can buy with Bitcoin, get out there and spend!